Gumroad, Explained

In this episode about Gumroad, Jeff and Mike talk about learning ukulele, the growing creator economy, and reflections from a start-up founder.
[00:45] What is Gumroad and how does it work? Gumroad "makes it easy to earn your first dollar online by selling digital products, memberships and more"
[2:16] Ukulele courses and Fix This Build That
[5:33] Is Gumroad a potential acquisition target or feature copy for the Chief Twit, Elon Musk, at Twitter?
[6:50] How Gumroad makes money with simple fees to creators
[10:30] History of Gumroad
[14:02] Who is Gumroad for?
[15:34] Jess Encamp, Parks & Rec, and Jonny Karate
[17:00] Gumroad’s competitors
[18:00] Mike and Jeff Scores, 4.05 and 4.1 out of 5, respectively and @shl’s “Reflecting on my failure to build a billion dollar company